Educational and postdoctoral background:
Postdoctoral research (2017 - 2019)
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK
PhD (2014 - 2017) [Awarded Best PhD in Engineering]
College of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea, UK
M.Tech. in Structures (2011-2013) [Awarded Distinction]
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India
B.E. (2006-2010) [Awarded Honours]
IIEST Shibpur (formerly, BESU, Shibpur), Howrah, India
Professional activities
1. Assistant professor (April 2019 - ongoing) Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India
2. Postdoctoral research fellow (February 2017 - April 2019) Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK
3. Junior research fellow (July 2013 - December 2013) Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee
4. Graduate trainee engineer (July 2010 - October 2010) ITD Cementation India Ltd.
Fellowship and research grants
2. Active mechanical metamaterials, Funding agency: UoS [2022 - ]
3. Energy-absorbing metamaterials for multi-functional structural demands, Funding agency: DRDO [2021 - 2023]
4. Metamaterial embedded composites for multi-functional applications, Funding agency: IITK-LTU Academy [2022 - 2024]
5. Faculty fellowship from IIT Kanpur (salary enhancement) [2019 - ]
6. Research grant on deployable space structures, Funding agency: ISRO [2021 - 2023]
7. Research grant on energy harvesting metamaterials, Funding agency: SERB [2020 - 2023]
8. Research grant on contact-induced mechanical metamaterials, Funding agency: IITK [2020 - ]
9. Research grant on Physics-based modeling of hot isostatic pressing, Funding agency: DRDO [2021 - ]
10. Postdoctoral fellowship on deployable metamaterials, Funding: University of Oxford [2017 - 2019]
11. Zienkiewicz scholarship for pursuing doctoral research at Swansea University [2014 - 2017]
12. JRF fellowship from IIT Roorkee [2013 - 2014]
13. MHRD scholarship for pursuing masters study at IIT Roorkee [2011 - 2013]
Service to scientific community
Reviewing of Articles in Refereed Journals
Elsevier Publication: Composite Structures, Composites Part B: Engineering, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Structures, Thin-Walled Structures, Computational Condensed Matter, Materials & Design, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Engineering Structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Springer Publication: Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Journal of The Institution of Engineers: Series A, Neural Processing Letters, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Techno Press: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Steel and composite structures
SAGE Publication: Journal of Composite Materials, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Advances in Structural Engineering, Journal of Vibration and Control
Taylor & Francis Publication: Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Plastics Rubber and Composites
Nature and Science Publication: Scientific Reports, Science, Space: Science & Technology
Other publications: ACS Applied Electronic Materials (ACS Publication), AIAA Journal (ARC Publication), Coatings (MDPI Publication), Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures (Emerald Publishing), International Journal of Modern Physics B, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
Member of editorial board
1. Artificial Intelligence Review, Impact Factor: 12 [Indexed in WoS, SCIE, Scopus]
2. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (RAMS), Impact Factor: 3.6 [Indexed in WoS, SCIE, Scopus]
3. Materials (topic editor), Impact Factor: 3.4 [Indexed in WoS, SCIE, Scopus]
4. Vibration, Impact Factor: 2.0 [Indexed in WoS, Scopus]
5. Journal of Composites Science, Impact Factor: 3.3 [Indexed in WoS, Scopus]
6. Frontiers in Nanotechnology, Impact Factor: Pending [Indexed in Scopus]
7. Journal of Research on Engineering Structures & Materials (RESM), Impact Factor: Pending [Indexed in Scopus] (Duration: 2017 -2019)
8. Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering conference, Noida, India, 2018 ( TRACE 2018 )
9. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nanotechnology, San Diego, USA, 2018 (Nano San Diego 2018)
10. International conference on advances in energy harvesting technology, Lubin, Poland, 2021 (ICAEHT 2021)
Reviewing research grant proposals
Reviewed research grant proposals submitted to the following agencies:
1. National Science Centre, Poland
2. Estonian Research Council, Estonia
Conference Organization
1. Actively participated in organizing the 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (7OSME) conference at Oxford, UK (5th – 7th September, 2018).
2. Actively participated in organizing the 23rd UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME 2015) conference at Swansea, UK (8th – 10th April, 2015).